Call For Tutorials

We are soliciting proposals for short courses and tutorials centered around a coherent theme or topic within the general scope of UPCON 2022. The Tutorials will take place on 1st December, 2022 at the same venue as the main conference. Tutorials aiming to give a comprehensive overview of a specific topic related to the conference theme, “AI Everywhere To Everyone” are particularly welcome. A good tutorial should be educational rather than just a cursory survey of techniques. The topic should be of sufficient relevance and importance to attract significant interest from the graduate students, researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry. We invite proposals for both Half- Day and Full-Day tutorials, but anticipate that most tutorials will be Half-Day unless the topic is expected to attract widespread community attention or will require the additional time. We encourage the prospective tutorial organizers to submit well-planned proposals that are specific and detailed in justifying relevance and viability.

Submission Instructions:

Submit your proposals in PDF format on or before 31st July, 2022 by email in the attached format to the Tutorials Chairs: Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bhukya ( and Dr. Anshu S Anand ( Proposals should include the following:
Proposal Format

  • Title of the Proposed Tutorial, Tutorial Acronym
  • Proposers’ names, titles, affiliations, emails, and brief bio sketches
  • Preference for Half (2 Hours)/Full Day (4 Hours) event (the latter requires a brief justification)
  • Abstract, Course description with list of topics to be covered and objectives, prerequisite knowledge and any other relevant details
  • Information on past tutorials organized on the same topic including participation statistics
  • Expected target audience, in terms of both composition and estimated number of attendees
  • List of at most 10 citations and/or URLs to relevant publications and/or products by the organizers, and to other relevant related work
  • Links to a few previous recorded talks given by the presenters (if available)
  • Description of and/or links to any planned materials or resources to be distributed to attendees, Budget for the Tutorial
  • Any other information (e.g., Infrastructure/logistics support required)

Important Dates:

Call for Tutorials Opens on : 29 June, 2022
Proposal Submission Deadline : 31 July, 2022
Notification of Selection : 15 August, 2022
Early Registration Deadline : 10 November, 2022
Tutorial Date : 1 December, 2022

For any questions, please feel free to contact the Tutorial Chairs with questions about the suitability of a tutorial for UPCON or any other related matters.